Most caregivers are unprepared for their role and typically have no knowledge of where to turn for assistance. The Caregiver Support Program works with caregivers to assist with knowledge, resources and services to assist unpaid caregivers in their roles.
Caregivers are unique and so are their challenges. Our caregiver advocates will work one on one with caregivers to provide the assistance that will provide them the most relief for their unique situation. The caregiver program may offer support by providing respite services to the unpaid caregiver. Respite is a short break from caregiving. Respite services may occur in the home, at a senior day program, or short-term facility stay. Our advocates understand the importance of feeling comfortable with care providers therefore our caregivers are able to make the choice of the provider and what type of setting they wish for the care.
Our caregiver advocates also understand the importance of having strong support for caregivers. Therefore, advocates may help caregivers with finding local support groups, online communities and programs that will help support the caregiver during their journey.
Currently over 4 million older Americans are finding themselves caring for their grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Many of these caregivers are finding it difficult to relate to the needs of these children because of generational barriers. Many seniors look to engage the children in summer programs, after school programs or academic programs however many times these programs are beyond what the senior can afford. The Family Caregiver Support program recognizes this need and has grants available to help seniors that find themselves in parenting roles rather than traditional retirement roles. So, if you are over 55 and find yourself parenting a child under the age of 18, call one of our family caregiver advocates to determine if you are eligible for a grant. Children must live in home with senior on a permanent basis and parents of the child cannot be living in home with child.
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